Valley of Flowers Campaign Log

Valley of Flowers Campaign Log

For the past few months I’ve been running a weekly Cairn campaign. We are currently playing through the Valley of Flowers. Every week I’ll update this post with a summary of our adventure.

The Cast

Eamon - He/Him - Cutpurse (Status: Exploring Lyra’s Tomb)

  • After being cursed by a Mosswitch, his focused stare can break mirrors.
  • Aspiring Thief, looking for a big score after failed bankrobbery.
  • Branded by firelight, a wanted man.

Gerrick - He/Him - Beast Handler (Status: Drinking in the Tavern)

  • Rescued a Naiad, and now the river spirits owe him a favor.
  • Already a master of big cats, Gerrick seeks to tame another great creature.

Jory - He/Him - Outrider (Status: Masked)

  • Looking for the right Oath to make after failing to find a cure for Daisy.
  • Owns an intelligent steed named Dragonfly.

Lazlo - He/Him - Scrivener (Status: Arriving)

  • A local member of the Silent Symphony, he can see through some invisibility magic and recognizes written lies.

Madrigal - He/Him - Fungal Forager (Status: Exploring Lyra’s Tomb)

  • Rescued a Naiad, and now the river spirits owe him a favor.
  • Always on the search for new ‘shrooms.
  • Has a compass that points towards the Sun.

MayFae - She/Her - Foundling (Status: Resting at Stinky Cheese Tavern)

  • Still hopeful she can save her friend Daisy, despite Daisy’s death.
  • Adopted by a smith, she has visions of the stars disappearing.

Red - He/Him - Greenwise (Status: Gardening)

  • Seeks the right soil for his corpseflower companion.

Reefer - He/Him - Bone Keeper (Status: Gardening)

  • Obsessed with death after failing to find a cure for Daisy, his childhood friend.

Sandon - He/Him - Scrivener (Status: Captured, Awaiting Execution)

  • After being cursed by a Mosswitch, his focused stare can break mirrors.
  • Can speak the tongues of most animals.
  • Literate and proud.
  • Captured after a failed attempt to rob Knights of the Golden Promise

Theo - He/Him - Barber-Surgeon (Status: Exploring Lyra’s Tomb)

  • A local outcast, talented surgeon, terrible barber.
  • Has a metal leg prosthetic, preferring it to his original one.

Willow - He/Him - Greenwise (Status: KIA)

  • A local drifter, looking for a place to belong. Subtle philosopher.
  • Took an Oath of Forest Neutrality:
    • Feed a villain to the trees.
    • Prevent a fight between two enemies (COMPLETE?).
    • Tie his heroic ribbon to the Festschrift Tree (COMPLETE).

Silcy - They/Them - Jongleur (Status: Exploring Lyra’s Tomb)

  • A masked wandering musician who loves to talk through a hand puppet.
  • Seeking information and songs of Lyra.

Ten Thorn Tavern (Fame: x3)

The players own an old tavern together. They’ve invested time and money to upgrade its features, and are growing in fame and fortune (however slowly). It also acts as a secret base for the Riverkeeper League.

INN11Holes repaired, rooms kept clean, this is a comfortable and cheap place to stay.
DRINKS18Featuring cider and mead from a local farm, the drinks flow freely and are well-regarded.
FOOD12Delicious bramblecakes and fresh fruits keep travelers happy.
TABLOID11A collection of news, rumors, and ads. Floundering while the editor-in-chief is captured.
FLOWER SHOP12Beautiful, fragrant, and/or delicious, there are rumors of a mushroom growing bed coming soon.


The Beginning

  • NPCs have their factions and loyalty in bracket. Ex. “Elzia Tevayn {Riverkeepers}”
  • Potential quests or important clues have a “♠” in front of them.
  • The player-characters are collectively known as “The Players”.
  • No concern is given for how the player groups shift and change. For all intents and purposes, assume that players pop in and out of existence week to week.

Eamon, Reefer, Sandon, Jory

The Players arrive at Ten Thorn Tavern in Verinwine Vale. Elzia Tevayn {Riverkeepers} is eager for someone else to take over so she can return to tending the various shrines of the valley. She gives The Players some useful information about the valley (history, factions, etc). Thirsty Benyam {whoever last gave him alcohol} helps clean up and get The Players settled in to their new home. ♠ Benyam mentions that the best wine (Deepshine Umbral) comes from Sunbelow Abbey, but no one has heard from them for weeks.


Eamon, Reefer, Sandon

MORNING. The Players set out for a nearby orchard that might sell them drinks and wine. The hear a loud buzzing in the distance, and encounter large wasps attacking a family of farmers. “NO EATING DURING THE DAY” they say, even as they are defeated. The farmers thank The Players, and promise to spread word of Ten Thorn Tavern (gain x2 Fame).

AFTERNOON. Arrive at Alleheim Orchard. ♠ The workers flee when anyone gets too close. The owner, Velmare {Ignoble Court} is arguing with a woman named Miriam {Ignoble Court Accused}. She is going to be tried by the Ignoble Court, and Velmare will not help her. ♠ The Ignoble Court meets regularly during bright moonlit nights. Velmare asks The Players not get involved, and to also not bother his workers. He agrees to sell drinks and fruit to the Ten Thorn Tavern.

NIGHT. Approach Fort Flumenel. Knights of the Golden Promise are having a big party, most are drunk, some bags of gold lay out on the tables. Marcel {Golden Promise Leader}, demands payment and leads them to the stables to sleep. Eamon tries to sneak out and steal some gold, but is caught by Marcel. Marcel is killed, Sandon is captured, Eamon and Reefer flee on stolen, lesbian horses.


Eamon, Reefer, Gerrick, Red, Madrigal

MORNING. The Players lick their wounds. ♠ Elzia tells them about the Riverkeeper League, a group of rebels who might help assault Fort Flumenel and rescue Sandon. ♠ The Gundlach family are Silver Nobles who secretly fund the Riverkeeper League.

AFTERNOON. On the way to see the Gundlachs, they encounter a merchant caravan being attacked by Verinwine Serpents. The caravan guards struggle, and The Players jump in to help. In exchange for the help, the caravan agrees to trade with Ten Thorn Tavern and give The Players a ride to the Gundlach’s Castle Brobdin.

NIGHT. While riding in the caravan, Gerrick hears someone crying out for help in the woods. Gerrick, Madrigal, and Eamon jump out to help. Unfortunately, it’s a trap, and all three of them are shaken down for gold and equipment.

Reefer and Red continue riding with the Caravan and stop at The Champion and Blackguard Inn. This inn is magically protected by a seal of peace, and no violence can happen within. Alyotta Truttle {Goldthistle Gang Leader} and Knights of the Golden Promise are negotiating a treaty. ♠ The Goldthistle Gang has some influence in Cimbrine City, and is looking for magical artifacts and power.

Gerrick, Madrigal, and Eamon catch up to Reefer and Red at the inn. Together they ally themselves with the Goldthistle gang and come to an agreement with the Knights of the Golden Promise. The Players also make a deal:

In exchange for the release of Sandon, the owners of Ten Thorn Tavern agree to cast out the ghosts that haunt Fort Flumenel. They have until the end of the month (Day 30) to accomplish this, after which Sandon will be executed. ♠ The ghosts that haunt Fort Flumenel are most active on the nights the Ignoble Court is meeting.

The Players secretly decides they may still want to work with the Riverkeepers and assault the Fort. This agreement with the Knights was a handshake, no binding oaths were exchanged.


Eamon, Willow, Gerrick

MORNING. The Players leave the Champion and Blackguard (waiting for the Knights to leave first to avoid an ambush). They come across Willow who is looking for travelling partners. An hour or two later they see Gluster Fumm {Aspiring Hero} asking for help along the roadside. Gluster fires his arrow at something in the sky, and wants their help finding it. But first he plans to tie his heroic ribbon to the Festschrift Tree.

AFTERNOON. The Players arrive at the Festschrift Tree, but the keeper, Alastor {Garden Neutrality} will not let Gluster tie a ribbon until he actually accomplishes something heroic. Willow swears an Oath of Garden Neutrality, and Alastor accepts it. ♠ Alastor gives Willow a letter for Grymothy {Wizard}. The Players nap in the safety of Alastor’s grove.

  • ♠ Eamon dreams of a man shackled to a tall tower.
  • ♠ Gerrick dreams of a knight crying golden tears.


Eamon, Willow, Gerrick

MORNING & AFTERNOON. The party sets off in search of Gluster’s arrow, and eventually find a large crater that glows. Gluster is afraid to enter, and decides to “keep watch” up top while The Players descend. They explore an upside-down house; everything has reverse gravity except for the party members. Some notable events:

  • The Players discovers a cold blue fire that freezes instead of burns.
  • They ally themselves with tiny “Glow Dough Soldiers” and help rid the house of Star Spiders.
  • Eamon breaks a mirror that showed a silvered noblewoman.
  • Gerrick acquires magical gloves, one that is heatproof and one that is coldproof.
  • Willow touches a Deathwish, and is forced to attack the party.
  • In a room of 4 mirrors, the Wizard Grymothy is trapped (a different part in each mirror).
  • Grymothy scolds Gluster, and demands he stand up and take charge.
  • A big battle ensues, and only Eamon remains unscathed. The rest are injured, but still succeed in defeating the Star Spiders and closing the portal.
  • ♠ Grymothy reveals his plan: He summoned a falling star and planned to use it to grant everyone in a valley a single wish. Only “good” wishes would be granted. The Players did not like this plan, and refused to help Grymothy any further. Grymothy still rewarded them with money and valuables, but was disappointed they wouldn’t help him escape the mirror or experiment on the fallen star.

NIGHT. The party and Gluster return to the Festschrift Tree and all tie on their ribbons.


Willow, Theo, Madrigal

MORNING. Alastor gifts forest leaf cloaks to Willow and Madrigal. Gluster declares himself a Great Hero™ and parts ways. The Players head to Brobdin Castle to meet with the Gundlachs. Along the way they meet Theo tending to Chay Logia {Aethur Knight}. They help Theo, who joins their group. ♠ Chay tells them of Aubin’s Tomb, a storehouse of valuable relics.

AFTERNOON. The Players decide to camp for the night and recover from a very busy few days.


Willow, Theo, Madrigal

MORNING. The Players head to Aubin’s Tomb, and discover it is indeed filled with lots of gold and magical artifacts. They each take from the tomb, leaving a piece of equipment behind in exchange. They are suspicious of such an easy treasure haul.

AFTERNOON. Arrival at Brobdin Castle. It is large and lively: tall walls, 3-4 stories, lots of guards patrolling, lights dance in the windows, etc. A young girl introduces herself as the Gundlach Firetender, and says that the Gundlachs will see them in the morning. ♠ Only family and trusted allies may enter Brobdin Castle.


Willow, Theo, Madrigal

MORNING. The Players awaken to find that all the loot they took from Aubin’s Tomb has disappeared. As promised, two members of the Gundlachs meet the party outside. Effie Gundlach wears many rings and is friendly. Hovrador Gundlach is tall, handsome, and desperate for a fight. ♠ They agree to fund a Riverkeeper assault on Fort Flumenel and offer to sponsor Ten Thorn Tavern as a secret Riverkeeper base (gain x3 Fame). They plan to assult Fort Flumenel at the end of the month (Day 30), and demand that no survivors remain. The Firetender will travel back with The Players to Ten Thorn Tavern to begin setting up the Riverkeeper base.

The Players take a week of rest to heal up and prepare for the upcoming assault. The Tavern is upgraded and the Riverkeeper base is established.

DAY 14

MayFae, Theo, Willow

MORNING. The Players decide to recruit more allies for the assult, and sets out to investigate rumors of a wandering tower filled with powerful soldiers. Something large and tower-like crashed through Alleheim Orchard recently.

AFTERNOON. At the orchard, Velmare is upset about the damage the tower caused. He serves them warm cider (how he likes it) and apologizes for the late shipment of fruit and drinks. ♠ Mayfae notices strange writings along inside of the house; it looks different to each person.

NIGHT. The Players leave the orchard and follow the large tracks of the Wandering Tower. Along the way the encounter a duel between Flower Knights riding bumblesteeds. The knights invite them to join, but The Players stay out of it. Later that night they catch up to the Wandering Tower and meet Agnos {Stone Servant Leader}. ♠ The Tower and its followers wander in search of Saint Selos, who disappeared long ago; their vows of silence help them hear the Tower. Theo uses his regrowth potion to heal one of the tower knights, and is gifted a small black candle that will summon the tower. Eamon wants to see inside the tower, but must take the vow of silence to enter. ♠ Agnos mentions that they are interested in secrets of the Silver Nobles. MayFae convinces the group to sleep outside the tower, and ride it into the night.

DAY 15

MayFae, Madrigal, Willow, Eamon

Sleeping near the tower grants visions and dreams:

  • ♠ Eamon again dreams of Saint Selos, trapped in a tower.
  • ♠ Madrigal dreams of a large leafy giant crying pink tears.
  • ♠ MayFae dreams of a bell being forged near a lake.
  • ♠ Willow is visited by Alastor, who reminds him of the Oath he made.

MORNING. The Players leave the Tower, Eamon ignoring Agnos plea to join their ranks. Mayfae keeps hold of a small piece of the tower walls with that strange writing. Together they head up the path towards a crumbling building deeper in the mountains.

AFTERNOON. They approach the front doors of Nevruné Hall, noticing that the entire place is divided down the middle, with the left side covered in dark purple flowers, and the right side blooming bright red roses. Past the doors is a large courtyard where a platoon of Flower Knights are engaging in a formal battle, moving like pieces on a chess board. The two noble sisters watch on, hoping to defeat the other. ♠ Lady Gemna {Bright Red Knights} and Lady Scarlova {Dark Purple Knights} have an ongoing feud that divides their family. Madrigal sits on the purple side, MayFae sits on the red side, while Eamon and Willow watch from a neutral place. After the battle ends, Madrigal spars with the knights, earning their respect. Willow and MayFae talk to some of the spectators: Meldrim {Silver Noble} and Haurice DeBecque {Conclave Priest}. MayFae ingratiates herself with Lady Gemna while Eamon sneaks past some knights into the greenhouse. Eamon steals some soil from the greenhouse; the same soil used to grow new Flower Knights.

NIGHT. Eamon and MayFae enjoy a dress-up montage with Lady Gemna while Willow and Madrigal help setup the dance floor. Eamon sneaks off to join Lady Scarlova. Turns out both ladies have a plan to assassinate the other during the dance tonight, and The Party tries to make BOTH assassinations happen at the same time. They succeed, at the cost of Willow getting beat up and thrown out into the bushes outside. The others attempt to sneak into the greenhouse and steal some Flower Knight bulbs, but are forced to flee. The Players spend the night hiding in the mountains while Nevruné Hall erupts into chaos.

DAY 16

Theo, Madrigal, Eamon

MORNING. The Players awaken in the hills, bruised but safe (mostly). They sneak back and sent Theo to scout the status of Nevrune hall. Theo hears fighting and activity happening within, and The Players decide to leave for now and return in the future. They still want one of those flower knight bulbs and strange bloody dirt. For now they head towards Little Motte to find rest.

AFTERNOON. Along the way they meet Haurice arguing with an eclict mage named Methiew {Aspiring Wizard}. The two are debating the merits of “death magicks” and the players help dissolve the argument. Haurice returns to Salmuri Chapel and Methiew joins The Players on their walk to Little Motte. Methiew proffers a bottle of sweet smelling brandy from Little Motte. Methiew claims that the bottle has a hint of death magic to it, and she’s curious to know more.

NIGHT. The group arrives in the evening and admires the many flower beds and scented pathways of this charming little village. They enter the Stinky Cheese Tavern to rest for the evening. Eamon sneaks around outside and sees that something is wrong with the town; people walk with their heads down and seem subdued. ♠ The bartender, Eldora {Outsider} mentions that her wife (Ambrosia {Local}) is sleeping off a strange sickness upstairs. Over the next few hours townsfolk trickle in, and even the mayor arrives. The Players sneak upstairs to listen in on the town council and learn that the townspeople are panicked, and the mayor has no idea how to help.

DAY 17

Theo, Madrigal, Eamon

MORNING. After breakfast, Theo agrees to examine Ambrosia, but can’t identify the sickness. ♠ Those infected, sleep, drink, laugh, and dance in some kind of drunken haze, almost like a fever. Eamon goes to investigate the mayors house, and uses his magical lockpicks to secure the entrances. Theo and Madrigal have tea time with Lady Freck {Village Grandmother}. Freck tells them of the stories of Lyra, the famous poet, and about how people would dance around her statue in better days. Madrigal also defends himself against Billson {Local Asshole} and learns that the mayor is clueless and afraid. They learn that the Mayor has called another meeting at the statue in the middle of town tonight.

AFTERNOON. To investigate Methiew’s “death-smelling” brandy, they visit the Frothing Headstone, a local distillery. Inside there are a dozen people in the final stages of the illness; they dance drunkenly and drink from the many casks of liquor. The Players don’t learn much else, except that even the dead have risen to join in this diseased dance. Everyone seems to be singing old songs of Lyra. The Players intercept the Mayor and convince him to call another town hall meeting at the Stinky Cheese. It seems The Players have decided to guide the mayor and offer some assistance in this matter.

Theo, Willow, Mayfae, Eamon, Madrigal

NIGHT. While the Mayor calls a town meeting, The Players head to his house, intending to see if the Mayor is hiding something. After feeding the mayor’s cat, Thimblebottom, and subtly re-arranging the furniture, their detailed search has revealed nothing. The Mayor really is just a bumbling goof who doesn’t know how to handle this sickness. They return to the Stinky Cheese tavern just as the Mayor is being booed and yelled out. The Players intervene, proclaiming that they will get to the bottom of this. The townsfolk are dubious, but what harm could these strangers bring? A few questions are answered, Lady Freck tells more stories of Lyra, and the townspeople return to their homes. The Players sleep at the tavern, with Eldora’s blessing.

The Ballad of Lyra

I do not fear the night, So much as the darkness in my heart.

I do not fear the crowds, So much as I fear an empty bed.

I do not fear the silence, So much as a hollow echo.

I do not fear death, So much as an empty life.

Yet she fill my heart. Yet she warms my bed. Yet she returns my cries. Death is my final and greatest lover.

DAY 18

Theo, Willow, Eamon, Madrigal

MORNING. The Players awaken to sounds of a scuffle coming from the first floor of the Tavern. Ambrosia is trying to leave that tavern (having progressed further in her disease), while Eldora prevents her with limited success. Madrigal helps secure Ambrosia, and promises that they will try to get to the bottom of things. The Players head to the statue of Lyra in the center of town.

AFTERNOON. 10-15 infected stumble around the statue, muttering Lyra’s songs and drinking or laughing or crying. Theo, Madrigal, and Eamon run back to the Tavern to get some barrels of alcohol while Willow charges into the fray. He climbs up the statue and surveys the crowd. Theo, Madrigal, and Eamon return with some barrels, and break them open to distract the infected. Only 4 infected remain, and The Players defeat them without killing them. Unfortuntely, Willow is killed in the scuffle. A travelling musician, Silcy, helps clear a path to the statue. The Players find a hidden entrance below the statue and secure themselves inside.

Silcy introduces himself, explaining that he’s been looking for more songs and info about Lyra. Silcy agrees to join the players on their exploration of Lyra’s tomb.

Lyra’s Tomb

A brief summary of things that happened during the exploration of Lyra’s Tomb:

  • The Players descend an iron staircase. Ghosts from the distant past briefly merge with the Players, granting visions of Lyra performing to a crowd. A creeping darkness overtakes Lyra, but she seems to embrace it willingly.
  • A statue with a music box in its chest lies against a marble door. Madrigal cranks the music box, and the statue moves enough for Eamon to wedge the door open.
  • Within a large greenhouse a pink light streams in through the windows(even though they are underground?). Large humanoid plant beings wander slowly around the flower beds. The leader is playing a black vielle and the rest are crying red sap tears. Silcy engages in a musical duel with the leader, and is gifted the black vielle. Silcy realizes this was Lyra’s ville, and it was given to her by a lover. Silcy continues to play the sad dirge, and the plant forms follow Silcy around instead.
